
"Not a Football" Passback Sports

“That's not a football!” Maison said as he opened the package from Passback Sports. I kinda laughed a little because I had told the kids that I had footballs coming for them that I thought would help them get better before the season started. I guess I failed to explain that they're not traditional footballs like the ones that are laying around in the woods rotting because they play with them for about half a minute and then never again.

Yes, all three kids have footballs, and basketballs, baseballs, and just all sorts of sports gear. But the problem with sports gear or games is that more often than not only one of them really wants to play at a time. So while Jeramiah want's to go through a ball around, Maison and Layla are usually off doing something else. Hubby will get out there and toss the ball back and forth with them but I don't think the “once in a while” is really going to help them train to get better and better before the next season.

When I came across Passback Sports I knew it was another perfect item to not only get the kids out of the house more but help prepare them for the football season. So when Maison said “That's not a football”, no he's right it's not your traditional football like the ones they play with so rarely. The Passback football is half a football. Check it out! But the half a football is designed to be thrown against a surface and you guessed it, it “Passes itself back”. I almost said bounces back, but it comes back in a manor that it helps learn how to catch it as well. So the passback ball is truly passing itself back to you. Which is what makes it so significant. The kids don't need each other to go outside and play ball. Now they can take their Passback Balls outside whenever they want without begging someone else to come throw it back to them.

The Passback Sports football is like a triple win! The kids are getting out of the house, they are getting in some quality training time, and they can toss the ball by themselves.  No fighting involved! Passback also comes in three different sizes, so there's a fitting one for each level of your player.  Or  my monsters, Layla got the PeeWee ball while the boys got one of the larger ones.

 Be sure to check Passback Sports out at the links below;

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We received one or more of the products mentioned above in exchange for an honest and non-biased review. While we have been compensated for our review with the product, our reviews our our own opinion based on our personal experience and realize our experiences may be different than our readers.  

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