One of the hardest things for me to do while I was pregnant was get a good nights sleep. Actually from about 16 weeks on I was miserable and it only got worse the further along I went. Now regrettably, it wasn't until the end of my pregnancy that I finally ordered this maternity pillow from Queen Rose. Please please please if your pregnant don't wait until the end like I did! Even though I waited, I'm sure glad I followed through with it because the Queen Rose Maternity pillow even helped after my c-section. This was the perfect maternity pillow!
Here are a few tips to remember when picking out your pillow.
1. Don't skimp out on Quality- The Queen Rose Maternity pillow is adequately stuffed and long enough to support increased weight, growing belly, and knees, feet, and hips.
2. Outer Covers- You should be able to easily wash your pillow as being a bedroom garment it consistently comes in contact with your body. The Queen Rose Maternity pillow's outer cover easily comes off to be washed. Just make sure you follow the manufacture recommendations.
3. Find one that best supports you! The wedge maternity pillow is inexpensive but small and can only support one part of you at a time. You can also invest in a body pillow that's usually the length of your body and is designed to support your head, belly, and maybe your knees at the same time. I tried both of these options and still had multiple pillows all over the bed. Most of which I lost by the time I woke up in the morning. The U-Shaped maternity pillow like the one I received from Queen Rose is worth just getting from the get go. The U-shape surrounds your entire body, providing support for your head, back, belly, knees, and hips all at once. Plus during recovery after Baby Kolton was born, it helped provide the best support around my body which was greatly needed from the c-section.
Now I couldn't help but to share this picture as well. Maison is such a goofball! He thought he was being cute when I was playing around with the pillow and stole it. Funny thing is, I wonder if he realized it was a Pregnancy Pillow.... Goofy teen boys!
We received one or more of the products mentioned above in exchange for an honest and non-biased review. While we have been compensated for our review with the product, our reviews our our own opinion based on our personal experience and realize our experiences may be different than our readers.
That looks Comfortable