
Get kids to engage in reading with I See Me Books

Baby Kolton has already taught us to be thankful for even the little things, like blowing bubbles.  Sounds silly right?  When he was 8 days old his newborn screening results came back and his doctors office was rushing us to a childrens hospital for further testing.  When they tell you not to google a condition that your child may or may not have, just don't do it.  Listen to me because that was the worst thing I could have ever possibly done.  I put myself into a complete hell for two weeks while we waited to know the final results.   While we waited at the lab, the secretary was blowing bubbles with the kids because they were overbooked and understaffed that day.  We were there for what seemed like forever with our 8 day old baby just waiting.  While she was blowing bubbles with the kids, many of them really truly ill, all I could think of was my baby may never get to blow bubbles.  

"Thank you, Lord, for Everything", with all the prayer in the world, our baby boy is healthy and will get to blow bubbles one day!  

The week before last I ordered this book from I See ME, so that one day I can explain to him how great-full we are to be blessed with him and how he should never take anything for granted no matter how simple or small it may seem.  

I love the I See Me books! This one for example, "Thank You, Lord, For Everything" are personalized several times with Kolton's name and other details about who he is.  In both the books we were able to add a picture and dedication.  I wrote in his baby book "For you, We Prayed" and I put that in this book as well.  We prayed for him before we were pregnant and we prayed for him with his testing, and we will continue to pray for him that he is a strong confident responsible person one day.  

Look at the bird in the window "Time to wake up, Kolton".  I love that these books are written so that as he get's older he will realize that the bear in this one is actually him!  What a great way to encourage kids to read! 

"Kolton's Radio Flyer Adventure" is also so stinking cute!!  I was able to personalize his hair and skin color, what toy he was riding around on (I designed the wagon was cute), and of course that adorable cover page.

Kolton's Radio Flyer Adventure is about a little boy who just want's to play outside with his wagon but its a rainy day so he has to use his imagination for their great adventure!  This book is too cute!  His name is in it so many times from the sign at the land of adventure to his wagon and leaves in a tree.  So much detail!  Of course Kolton is the main character in the story and saves the day! 

All three of the big kids have been taking turns reading to Kolton. These books are so special the way they are personalized, they are encouraging everyone to pick them up and see how Kolton saves the day! I love how engaged these books encourage the kids to be with reading to their baby brother. 

Be sure to check out I See Me at the following links;

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  1. Your idea is awesome. I loved it very much. I need to try it.

  2. I love that your kids read to the baby. Reading to kids early on makes them great readers.

  3. These books are adorable! And yes, I agree to the comment above. It's so sweet how your older kids are reading to your baby. That sounds like great bonding!

  4. I have so many fond memories of my parents reading and telling me stories when I was a kid. I am so glad that Kolton is healthy and you guys can build happy memories together.

  5. What some great sounding books - there is nothing like reading when you can get into it.

  6. Adorable, I love how personalized it is

  7. I love the idea of getting the kids a personalized book. I think it will make them interested in reading more and it's definitely something that they'll enjoy!

  8. Books are so important for kids, the earlier we start reading and showing them to our babies the better.

  9. These are awesome! It's good for kids to start reading while they're young. This is something they'll definitely enjoy.
    Xo, Sondra

  10. I love that your kids read to the baby. I think it will make them interested in reading more and it's definitely something that they'll enjoy!

  11. These are so cool great idea, kids would love these

  12. Kolton is such a beautiful baby, I started reading to my daughter when she was a little baby as well.

  13. I've heard to much about these books. I'd love to get my girls each their own one day. I really love Kolton's book!

  14. Great list you have here. And wonderful to read kids reading to kids - Felicia

  15. These are so cute! My brother had a book kind of like this from when he was born. They're such a great idea!

  16. Im a book worm so by the time i have kids i am gonna make them little book readers too. Love that the kids are reading to the baby.
