June was just a harsh reminder of how very little time there is in each day... It was like a bad reality check and reminder to not overload myself with so many things to do, especially with Baby Kolton! He LOVESSSSSSSSSSSS his Momma and misses Momma when she's busy doing other things. And frankly I don't blame him because there are certainately moments I feel like I haven't held him enough for the day.

But that's what makes this post even more relevant. I'm just too busy sometimes to worry about swinging by the pet store each month to pick up the girls new toys, treats, and a couple necessities. My Pet Treater box saves the day! I didn't even realize we were out of dog treats until I went to the kitchen and BAM their gone! That's when I remembered I still have review items in the hallway closet to work my way through and my Pet Treater box was one of them.
June's box really did the trick too! Look at these girls, they can't even wait for me to finish going through the box! Tally eventually gave up because she knows it's for her anyways. LOL
There's a toy for both Tally and Moxie even though the box is really only for one pup. Dog Tuff sent a DOGLOG which seems pretty durrable and has a super soft racoon tail attached to it to encourage play. Plus is squeeks of course! Bow wow Pet also sent a crinkle Monkey that's super soft and lenky. I'm sure they will have fun playing with both these toys! Maybe the neighbors dogs will get in on the action too!

Vegalicious sent a Crazy Coconut Flavored Healthy Treat bar and when I opened it up it smelled so good I should have seen if the kids would have tried it LOL Of course I would have stopped them but the package is actually labeled "not for human consumption" meaning someone... somewhere.... had the same idea LOL Of course Tally and Moxi scarfed it right up!

Now if you follow me, you know we just got Moxi not too long ago so she needs a little training every now and then and some positive reinforcement will do just the trick! MyDoggy included a bag of soft-baked training treats in apple honey flavor and both girls loved them! But I think I'll primarily use them for Moxi. Tally's already really stinking smart and is getting up there in age.
Moxi loved the training treats! This could work!
But check this out, The Origional Heavenly Hounds included a peanut butter flavored relaxation square! Gosh I wish I wouldn't have waited to open this box!!! This would have been perfect for when the kids were shooting off fireworks. Pet Treater really thought this out and I know there are so many many families that got to use that one on the 4th. Great job Pet Treater!!! *Dumb move to me...

We spent the day at the creek for the fourth. It was a wonderful day around a lot of good people. The kids fished and swam until dark and it was wonderful seeing them get along! Of course there were lots of puppies and family dogs down there. Tally doesn't travel well in the car but Moxi will. Pet Treater included a Fou-Stick Protect in the June box which is like a chap-stick for dogs to protect them against the hot pavement and dry, cracked, chapped, paws, toes, and noses! How cool I didn't even know there was such a thing! We'll have to throw that in the bag for Moxi next time we take her out and about.

And of course Pet Treater every once in a while comes across a great product they think the adults in the house will like. This month they included a Fuse Plus you 2 port car adapter for charging our gadgets in the car. Thanks! That'll go to the back for the kids and they won't have to fight over the charger. This is great for those long summer road trips!
Pet Treater did it again! We love them and how much they love us!
Check them out at all the following links;
#pettreater #pettreaterbox #monthlydogbox
We received one or more of the products mentioned above in exchange for an honest and non-biased review. While we have been compensated for our review with the product, our reviews our own opinion based on our personal experience and realize our experiences may be different than our readers. This page may contain affiliate links in which we receive a small compensation for your purchases. This allows us to continue to offer you our services.
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