
6 Ways to Use a Nursing Pillow

How many times have I used my One Z Pillow in the last two weeks?  Every single day! I've really surprised myself on how many ways there is to use a nursing pillow.

    Of course you can use a nursing pillow for nursing duh.... But the One Z Pillow is pretty neat!  The square part rises to become a very supportive back which I love because I'm not sure I've ever seen a nursing pillow with a back like that.  Then there's an adjustable clip to help hold the pillow in place, snug and supportive around you.  The creators of One Z Pillow also have Twin Z which is specially made for moms of twins.

A sick baby
     So the nasty summer colds are working their way through the house.  I have felt awful all week but my biggest worry is Kolton feeling this way too.  His poor eyes were a little runny and he started to sound girggely so I grabbed the One Z Pillow and used it to help him sit upright so the drainage doesn't build up in his cute little head.  Believe it or not he was not feeling well when I put him in the pillow as a seat but I still managed to get a smile out of him.

Acid Reflux 
      We have been so fortunate to not have any acid reflux issues with baby Kolton.  He does get super super gassy but we have been so blessed that he's only spit up a hand full of times and not have any reflux issues.  I can remember with some of the foster babies propping their mattress up an inch or so at the had end.  Well this pillow would be great for a baby with acid reflux to help keep them in a more upright position.

Photography prop
     Now it's really hard for me not to blast you with a bunch of pictures here. I only took close to 100 to get some of the cutest shots.  But I wouldn't have been able to get any of those sweet poses without the One Z Pillow.  I used the clasp to hold the pillow secure and used a blanket to tone down the super cute sea life design.  I got some of the sweetest shots for Baby Kolton's 2 month pictures.

This one worries me.  He has such a personality already I can
only imagine what he's thinking!


Protective Buffer
Yup I said it!  KEEP AWAY FROM THE BABY!  Is that really that hard to understand?  My big kids spend all day in school around a 500 other nose picking, butt wiping no hand washing children.  I don't like my big kids super close to his face but every now and then I come in from chores and find cute pictures like this on the camera.  Ok..... at least I know they weren't picking him up.  I feel safer knowing I put Kolton in the One Z Pillow and that's where he will be when I come back in from getting some outside work done. 

Tummy Time
This was my primary purpose for wanting a One Z Pillow because I love watching Baby Kolton grow and get stronger with more coordination. I just can't believe some days how smart he is! Tummy time is essential to that development.  The removable cover for our One Z Pillow was really easy to put on and has that bright sea life design which is made of a super soft material.   Kolton rubs his hands and arms across the material and loves looking around.  This is a perfect pillow for tummy time!

We love our One Z Pillow! ItI can't wait to see all the different ways we keep finding to use it.  Do you have any other ideas?  Leave us a comment below and check it out at the following links;


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We received one or more of the products mentioned above in exchange for an honest and non-biased review. While we have been compensated for our review with the product, our reviews our own opinion based on our personal experience and realize our experiences may be different than our readers. This page may contain affiliate links in which we receive a small compensation for your purchases. 


  1. I love a good nursing pillow. My niece would really enjoy it.

  2. Is that your baby? He looks adorable and I like that pillow

  3. I would like to say that this blog really convinced me to do it! Thanks, very good post. nurse service in dhaka
