The Sibley Guide to Birds Second Edition

that the boys are getting older, 14 and 12 (can you believe it?!)
living out in the country definitely has it's perks. I'm WAY WAY WAY
less worried about them playing outside and someone snatching them up
(they would bring them back anyways at this point) or the neighbors
complaining because lord knows they might ride their bike too close
to someone's driveway. Yes, I love living out where where the boys
can just be boys!
grew up always wondering off in the woods fishing, hunting, and
whatever else little boys do. Now I can see that rubbing off on the
boys. Jeramiah is always outside with the animals and I see the
peeked interest lately in learning about what different birds are.
is constantly asking “what bird is this, what bird is that?”
It's cool to see him interested in the outdoors like he is! So when
I found “The Sibley Guide to Birds” by David Allen Sibley, I
knew I had to order it! It's way more than what I expected! For just
under $20, on I figured it would be a short and quick guide
to the most common birds. I was so wrong! Over 600 pages, I can't
even begin to tell you how many birds are listed though. The book
says over 7,000 paintings and it seems most of the birds are
pictured. Plus there's a bird sighting checklist and a map at the
bottom of most pages telling where the birds are commonly found.
up, Grandma and Grandpa had a huge bird feeding area outside their
kitchen window. I can remember sitting there with them watching the
birds for hours. Grandpa would always try telling us what different
birds were what, but when I was younger I didn't really listen. I
just wasn't really interested. Now of course as an adult and now
that Grandma has passed away I really wish I would have listened. I
called Grandpa last summer to ask about some Mean attacking
hummingbirds. So of course the first bird I had to look up in the
book was the hummingbirds. Wow I had no idea there were so many!
can't wait to see what kind of birds the boys are able to check off
the list around the house and “The Sibley Guide to Birds Second Edition" is the
perfect book for that!
Check it on Chewy.Com: Click here
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