I found some really pretty cloth diaper designs at
Sunbaby Diapers. Basically there are 2
sizes of diapers for cloth diapers, so you can buy 20-30 diapers of each size
and that basically last you until they outgrow that size. I was a little over whelemed with the price
of cloth diapers until I did the math and realized that a pack of diapers, ($10)
every week (4 weeks a month) until a child is 3 years old (times 36 months) can
really add up! Grand total: $1440 and that’s figuring on cheap diapers and
hoping you don’t use more than a pack a week.
Take a look at Sunbaby and their adorable and affordable
Sunbaby Diapers
We have thought about using cloth diapers but I guess we will have to look into it more since you did the math....
ReplyDeleteI was considering cloth diapers. I am thinking about it and going to look more into it.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea cloth diapers were so advanced! While we are expecting our second child, this is something we really need to look into.