
Crayon Rocks

Although my kids are older, they still love to draw, color, and make huge messes with their creations! So when I found Crayon Rocks I figured we would give them a shot. Are these not the cutest little crayons ever? These Crayon rocks are made from pure natural waxes made from American soy beans.  The shape and size of them are also perfect for younger children to prepare their fingers and hands for pen and pencil use.  What a neat little tool to help develop fine motor skills. 

Crayon Rocks was developed by a special needs teacher after 23 years of experience.  Barbara’s teaching history made her realize just how important it was for children to develop a tripod grip and that is how the shape of Crayon Rocks were developed.  A tripod grip is using a your first and second finger and thumb, which is essentially how you hold a pencil so you can also understand how your childs hand writing skills will depend on this technique later on in life.  My personal thought, why didn’t someone think of this when I was a kid, my handwriting stinks!

These non-toxic soy wax crayon rocks are made right here in the United States, Kentucky to be more exact.  Please check out their website for more information and how you can get your own Crayon Rocks.  I plan on getting a few more sets for Easter, wouldn’t these be the cutest basket stuffer?   

8 Pastel Crayon rocks in Spring Green Bag

I received one or more of the products mentioned above free for review purposes. Regardless, I will only recommend products that I have personally tested/tried and believe will be a good fit for my readers.


As I have gotten older, I have found more and more traditional items in my home.  I forgot how much fun a pair of slippers could be!! Check these out, I picked out the Black Bear Paw slippers because of how different they were and I have to admit they are extremely warm and comfortable!  Why haven’t I tried these sooner?

BunnySlippers.Com has so many different kinds of slippers from animal slippers, novelty, and character slippers, I was amazed with the different selection.  I also found microwaveable slippers, light slippers, and sock slippers on I can’t wait to try the microwaveable slippers, my feet are always cold and I pretty much wear slippers any time I’m home. 

I also really liked the quality of the slippers.  Although they ship internationally for orders, Portland OR is their home, so these are not going to be your cheap slippers that fall apart right after you get them.

If you want to do some shopping for the whole family, I suggest checking out  There is really the perfect fit for everyone from cute and cuddly and then back to traditional slippers.  Even Jen snuck in on some Bunny Slipper action!

Bunny Slippers Website

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We received one or more of the products mentioned above in exchange for an honest and non-biased review. While we have been compensated for our review with the product, our reviews our our own opinion based on our personal experience and realize our experiences may be different than our readers.