
Juppy Baby Walker

World Famous Juppy Baby Walker

Teaching your baby to walk can be one of the most joyous times and it’s those milestones that make lasting memories for many years to come.  But as we all know, our babies are much shorter than we are so holding their hands as they learn to take their first steps can really be back straining.

Juppy Baby Walker has come up with a solution that is unique, adorable, and supportive.  The Juppy Baby Walker comes in a strong canvas material and we even had ours embroidered just for Jersey.  The sturdy design gives you extra security knowing your little one is safe and snug inside while they learn to take their first steps, and you walk in an upright position. This is a life saver for my back!!

I was really impressed with the double security backings.  There are not one but two Velcro straps and then they overlap a zipper.  Extra security for sure!

But the one thing that I found extra adorable and convenient is the neat bag it came in will actually fit perfectly in my purse or the diaper bag. Win win! 

Check out Juppy on Amazin: CLICK HERECCL

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